ENRRICH Research Day
ENRRICH Research Day is happening on October 1st, 2024, from 1 PM to 8 PM at Theatre B and The Joe Doupe Concourse (2nd Floor Basic Medical Services Building), 745 Bannatyne Avenue! With a focus on autism, this event will bring together researchers, students, and families.
We are currently accepting registrations and abstracts
Registration Link: 1st ENRRICH Research Half- Day: Research Theme Autism Spectrum – Continuing Professional Development – Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (cpd-umanitoba.com)
Abstract Submission Link: Oxford Abstracts
See Booklet: Conference Booklet
2023 Manitoba Neuroscience Network Scientific Meeting
Find registration and meeting details here: https://www.cpd-umanitoba.com/events/manitoba-neuroscience-network-mnn-2023/
Breakfast at SSC
Breakfast at SSCY Learning Series
You and the Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba
Presenter: Mark Robertson
This presentation will review how clinicians fit within the Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba (CTNM), the January launch of CTNM, current initiatives underway, and next steps.
Learning Objectives:
To learn about recent developments with the Children’s Therapy Network of Manitoba
To review new resources that have been developed by Manitoba clinicians
To gain an understanding of Manitoba GOALS (Goals, Outcomes, Achievement & Learning System) for OTs, PTs, SLPs and audiologists
Register here: https://rccinc-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdeqhpz0sGdL-rPfw1XX6xDOWEKKuMyYr#/registration
Breakfast at SSCY
Breakfast at SSCY Learning Series
Fostering democratic participation through Children's Voices
Presenter: Patricia Furman, Executive Director at Inspired By Wonder
Register here: https://rccinc-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucOuupjotHtCidCEX7wurAZpxqZEE_y7J
ENRRICH Summer Studentship Application Deadline
Application information can be found here.
If you have any questions, please reach out to enrrich@chrim.ca.
CHRIM Research Rounds feat. ENRRICH
Presenter: Raquel Thiessen
Room 500 JBRC; Streamed webinar via Zoom
Breakfast at SSCY Learning Series
Presenter: Jenna Heschuk
Register here: https://rccinc-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlfumppz4sGtVuh9geXefehT7qcnQaxwJW
CHRIM Pediatric Grand Rounds
Speakers: Dr. Kyle Millar and Dr. Gina Rempel
Subject: “The Art and Science of Eating and Drinking Safely: An Aspirational Journey”
1) Explain the presentation and diagnosis of aspiration and aspiration pneumonia
2) Implement treatment strategies for aspiration and aspiration pneumonia into practice
3) Identify points of controversy in the literature regarding aspiration during swallowing
4) Appreciate multifaceted strategies that can mitigate the risk of aspiration and foster meal time participation for children with eating and drinking difficulties
Streamed webinar via Zoom: http://join%20zoom%20meeting%20https//umanitoba.zoom.us/j/64034983434?pwd=Z0VWTytieUJ0SDQwNE53MFdpWEp3Zz09
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Edge of Science and Medicine Visiting Speaker Series
Speaker: Dr. Galen Wright
Using human genomics to understand neurological disease outcomes
Theatre A | Basic Medical Sciences Building | Bannatyne Campus
Healing Nation Documentary Screening
Please visit https://www.healingnationfilm.ca/ for more information.
Healing Nation is film that shows the real lived impact of taking generations of Indigenous children away from their families.
Throughout colonial history, the Canadian government has had policies that legalize the forced removal of Indigenous children from their homes and communities.
This film features stories spanning three generations of those who have either been removed from their families or felt the impact of family members who were taken away. Their stories guide us along the path of interconnectedness between generations and shared across communities - as well as the way ceremony plays an essential part in healing.
Healing Nation is a raw and illuminating documentary about transforming colonial violence into intergenerational healing.
Illuminate Speaker Series Presents - Patients as partners in clinical care and research: A pragmatic approach
Mental Health: Mind and body connections
Inborn Errors of Metabolism and “OMICS First” DNA Testing
Presenters: Dr. Cheryl-Rockman Greenberg and Angela Krutish
CHRIM Research Rounds
Considering Gender in the Prevention and Treatment of ACL Injuries
Presenter: Joanne Parsons, PhD
CHILD-BRIGHT Network Learning Series
Applying a Trauma-Informed Practice Lens to Medical Research
Speakers: Nicole Ward and Krista Andrews
Illuminate Speaker Series presented by the College of Rehabilitation Sciences
Telerehabilitation Accessibility: A Survey of Dutch and Canadian Clinicians and Students
Speakers: Dr. Ed Giesbrecht and Mel Major
Connecting for Care: The Role of Networks for Moving Knowledge into Action
Presenters: Kristy Wittmeier PT, PhD., Stephanie Glegg OT, PhD., and Carrie Costello (Parent Partner)
Parenting During the Pandemic: Supporting Families of Young Children through Innovations in eHealth Technology
Presenters: Lindsay Berard, Bailin Xie, and Dr. Leslie E Roos
Beyond aspirational thinking: the art and science of supportive mealtime management for children with neurodevelopmental challenges
Presenter: Dr. Gina Rempel