RESONATE - Identifying pRactical and Effective mentorShip strategies to infOrm caregiver-to-caregiver meNtorship: an integrated knowledge translation study
Families whose children live with neurodevelopmental disabilities often have low quality of life, and may not perceive that their voices are being heard. Supportive communities are important for these families, where they can talk about practical issues and their emotions in a safe way. When made formal, these communities can be described as mentorship. In our study, we will look at research that has already been done about this kind of mentorship. Then, we will apply this research to either develop or modify an existing program, by adding a mentorship program. At every step of the study, parents with lived experience (those whose children have neurodevelopmental disabilities) will be equal partners with the research team. This partnership will help create a program that is best suited for what parents need - because parents helped create it.